Inspired by Sea Dogs series and Sid Meier’s Pirates!

Welcome to the Caribbean in 1654 AD, a place teeming with opportunities and mysteries. Assume the role of Charles de Maure, a young French noble who embarked on a journey to the New World to assist his brother. What initially appeared to be a simple family matter quickly evolves into a lifelong adventure.

Immerse yourself in the tale of a noble brat who rises to become the most influential figure in the Caribbean. Riches, titles, power, and romance – the ultimate booty awaits, and it’s up to you to seize it all.

Embark on a 200-hour-long journey.

Undertake hundreds of quests.

Freeplay, rush through the story, or combine both – you’re the Captain, and your ship will sail where you command.

Experience a historical narrative with a touch of mystique.

Explore romantic interests and companions.

Choose from various career options, from general-governor to pirate baron.

The Caribbean Sea – a realm of dozens of islands and cities, a grand archipelago shrouded in mystery and secrets. From the summits of Indian pyramids to the ocean depths, unique rewards, quests, and curiosities await. This open world is your sandbox, you are free to explore it and shape your legend as you see fit. Your decisions determine where to go, what to do, and who to take with you. Subdue the New World or it will destroy you!

Discover dozens of islands and settlements.

Build your very own colony.

Explore caves, pyramids, jungles, Indian tribes, and lost cities.

Visit taverns, brothels, shipyards, churches, forts, and many other points of interest.

Engage in treasure hunting and gambling.

Experience dynamic weather and the serene turquoise sea.

Owning a warship is a privilege, a symbol of status and luxury. You are among the very few who can afford such grandeur. Begin your journey with a simple sloop and work your way up to commanding a ship of the line or even a fleet of these formidable vessels, ready to plunder cities at your whim. No one will stand in your way. Tired from leading massive armadas and the responsibility? Take command of a fast Frigate or Corvette and just free roam the Caribbean. In moments of tranquility at sea, relish the stunning views, embrace the sense of exploration, or navigate in the heart of a storm.

Command dozens of ships representing the glory of the Age of Sail.

Customize, paint, upgrade, and repair your vessel.

Engage in unforgiving yet enjoyable naval combat.

Experience intense boarding action, from the upper deck to the captain’s cabin.

Collect unique vessels to rule the seas.

Manage booty distribution, morale, and the threat of mutinies.

Assemble a formidable team of officers.

Captains are most vulnerable when they set foot on land. Surviving naval combat can be challenging, but at least you won’t die alone – your crew will stand with you till the very end. Land battles are different: dishonest, ruthless and risky for you and those who you hold dear. Bring your companions with you, poison your weapons, study the terrain, craft deadly items, and confront thugs, soldiers, pirates, and rivals head-on.

Tailor your character’s build – become a heavy swordsman, a nimble rogue, a master sharpshooter, or a silver-tongued diplomat.

Equip yourself and your companions with a wide array of swords, axes, rapiers, armor, muskets, and pistols.

Craft amulets, ammo, potions, and always be prepared for battle.

Seek out challenges – the more you fight, the stronger both you and your character become.

Command military operations from raiding to sieges.

开发者对内容描述如下: Combat, Blood, Strong Language, Occasional Sexual Content
需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: XP, WIndows 10, Windows 11
处理器: Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon 2.0 GHz
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: 1 GB (AMD video cards are not fully supported)
DirectX 版本: 9.0
存储空间: 需要 30 GB 可用空间
附注事项: V-Sync must be enabled;
需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: XP, WIndows 10, Windows 11
处理器: Intel Core i7-3770 3.4 GHz or AMD FX-9370 4.4 GHz
内存: 8 GB RAM
显卡: 4 GB (AMD video cards are not fully supported)
DirectX 版本: 9.0
存储空间: 需要 30 GB 可用空间
附注事项: V-Sync must be enabled;
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